We don’t realize it but digital analytics is more important than we think. As consumers, we buy things in stages which is a purchase funnel.
A basic purchase funnel includes:
- Acquisition which involves building awareness of a product.
- Behavior is when users engage with your business.
- Conversion is when a user becomes a customer.
On the internet, we can measure many aspects of the funnel by using digital analytics. We can find out what online behavior led to a purchase and use that data to make informed decisions about how to reach new and existing customers.
Think about an online store, such as www.secretyogasutra.com/shop , It has a goal to sell more yoga manuals. Using digital analytics, it can collect and analyze data to select which campaigns are most effective.
The website could analyze geographical sales data to understand if people in certain places buy a lot of yoga manuals and then develop additional advertising campaigns in these locations.
Secret Yoga Sutra can use analytics as well to analyze how users use its online shopping cart. If there is any irregularity with a particular step on the website, it can make changes to the site to resolve the problem.
That’s one of the reasons why I love using Google analytics and there are many more reasons which I will cover in the next videos.

I’m fascinated by consumer behaviour. I take an interest in discovering how digital marketing campaigns can improve consumer satisfaction. My aim is to provide consumers the ideal platform for ultimate results. I use digital analytics to accomplish that and the most interesting fact is that I’m still learning.