Dashboard For Merchandise Store Overview 

This dashboard provides key performance indicators “KPI” that measure sessions, transaction, conversion, and revenue performance over a week compared to the previous week.

This is just a basic online store sale report. If we work together, we can select different metrics and dimensions. We could also investigate further on KPI that would be important to increase total sales for your company. I provided this report regularly so you can make informed digital marketing decisions.

I’ve covered a variety of metrics and dimensions to measure performance to give a glimpse into the future of online store sales. What do you think will be important to measure over the next upcoming weeks?

In the meantime, feel welcome to share this blog post with your colleagues and friends so they can get a better sense of the basic things that are implemented in order to increase their total sales revenue.

Contact me if you are interested in hiring me as a digital analyst.


Kindly regards.

MJ @ Secret Advert